Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More on The Witch

There has been more drama via email with The Witch going on as well as late nights with Husband. She emailed the counselor early this week inquiring about our appointment. Her email went something like:

"I haven't heard anything about our appointment this week. Ever since my meeting with the counselor I haven't been told anything. Trouble is getting comfortable with not seeing Husband and Husband seems to be okay with not communicating with Trouble. If we aren't going to do something soon I will have to get my lawyer involved."

The counselor emailed back something like:

"We haven't set an appointment. I am available on this day at these times."

I emailed back that we are available for the day and time of my choice.

This morning The Witch sent three emails, starting at 7:30 in the morning. The first email said that she would like to meet today if possible because she doesn't want to wait another week and she told everyone over a week ago that she wanted to meet. (Her email was sent the evening of the 11th. That is not even a week ago. Do your math lady!)

The second email said that if she has to wait a week then she needs to meet at another time because "Perfect" has a dentist appointment an hour after the appointment I suggested and Husband should already know that since she told him two weeks ago. (Well, I didn't know. Sheesh)

Husband responded that her time change was fine with us. And The Witch wrote back something like:

"So we are all in agreement to meet at said day and time then?"

Can we say controlling? Let the counselor do his job lady!

Husband was mad about the email from yesterday which is why he was in a bad mood last night and didn't feel like talking to me. He felt attacked. And hoenstly, he was. The Witch is making him sound like a bad parent, since we all know that is her stance on this issue. But we took Trouble to the movies with us the last weekend Husband had visitation and Husband tried to talk to Trouble at the soccer game last Monday. Husband is trying during the time he is given and The Witch's attacks are unfounded. If we needed to defend ourselves she would be the one who would look like an idiot.

Personally,I'm glad The Witch is showing her true colors. Counseling won't do any good if we aren't honest and transparent about who we are and how we feel. I'm glad to see her acting like the crazy, controlling person she is and the counselor is getting all of these emails. She's trying to control him too. I'm starting to wonder if this woman has any sense.

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