Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The Counselor didn't have any appointments for today so our appointment is going to be next week Wednesday. I thought I would be sad about that, but after the last two nights there is no way I am up for meeting with The Witch.

Husband and I talked at 4am and I was able to say what I tried to say the night before. And thanks to you ladies I had better words. It went well and he finally understood I was not insulting him but explaining that if he and/or "Perfect" are still harboring negative feelings about the birthday, we need to resolve it now and move on.

Husband also had an epiphany. He said he thinks that there must be something going on with him because he doesn't seem to be able to take charge of anything.

Halleluha! Finally!!

I hope this statement comes with action because it would make a huge difference if Husband could take more charge and not leave me to shoulder everything.


  1. I am glad you and hubby were able to have a productive conversation! It is a step in the right direction. I know I have trouble communicating my issues wih my hubby sometimes, and then things get out of control.

    It sucks that your appointment was postponed, but maybe after hubby's "epiphany" you will be able to present more of a "united front" when you do go to counseling.

  2. I realized something recently, with me leaving Hubby on his own, he's finally started doing all the things he didn't do cause I shouldered them. Even down to tracking all the schedule changes BM makes. Sometimes, it takes us letting go for them to take charge.
