Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Counseling Details – The Juicy Stuff

So, I made it through the session. I did better than I thought I would actually. However, I probably did talk a little more than I should have. But I was calm and respectful the whole time.

The Witch cannot say the same. She obviously is not a yeller, so her voice was not raised but she was highly judgmental and argumentative. She did not listen to anything the counselor had to say at all. Her husband never spoke a single word. It was like he wasn't even there.

Not that this has anything to do with the session, but now that I've seen this guy up close, I have no clue what she left my husband for. I guess he makes more money and he is taller, but my husband is so attractive and hers… he's okay but not so much.

Husband did GREAT! I was totally proud of him and he said some things to her that needed to be said. Yet, he did it with a lot of class.

I wish I could remember everything but basically it started with the counselor talking about what he has observed from the two sessions and the email exchanges. He went over what he thought would be helpful for our situation, being that the adults need to come together and support each other's household, respect the differences and make the transitions as easy as possible between homes. Husband was the first to talk and said yes he agrees with what the counselor was saying. The Witch said she wasn't sure.

The Witch went into how Trouble is perfect at her house and they have no issues so the problems are all with Husband and mostly with me. (Big shock right?) That she is doing everything possible to help Trouble to spend more time with his dad and he doesn't want to come to the house anymore because of me.

Husband explained about some of the events leading up to Trouble not wanting to come over and explained how Trouble is using the two parents against one another to get what he wants because he figured out how he can.

The Witch said that she believes everything Trouble tells her, and she can't imagine him lying, so if he is saying there are problems, it's because there are.

Husband said Trouble has lied to her about things or exaggerated the truth many times.

The Witch was mad Husband called Trouble a liar and again said she believes what he says and that he would never lie.

Husband said he knows Trouble has lied and "Kids do that".

The counselor was close to laughing. I'm glad he has facial hair to hide behind or his emotions would give him away. The counselor said he doesn't feel arguing will help but Trouble will be biased in retelling of events and we need to be aware of that for future and take time to find out the facts from the other parent.

The Witch would have nothing to do with that at all.

I'm not sure what happened next. I think the counselor asked us about the differences in our homes and why some of those differences are causing issues. Something like that. Husband brought up going to church and how we want him to go with us but he causes huge fights about church.

The counselor asked if it's because of church, Stepped, the rules or doctrine. The Witch said it's because Trouble doesn't believe everything he hears at church but she has always been respectful of church and takes "Perfect" to church and more stuff I don't remember about how wonderful she is about church.

I had a look on my face like "Are you kidding me?"

The Witch said "Stepped do you have something to say?" (really snotty too by the way)

I took a second, since these would be my first words, and looked right at her and said "You don't think positively about church. I know your parents brought you up in this same church and you have been against it since you were 17. We all know you don't like our religion and you have not been supportive of our beliefs." - please note I was polite in my tone and my body language, thank you very much

She said nothing. Yeah me!

The counselor said he would like to talk to Trouble to find out what it is about church he doesn't like and all we can do is to speculate without him there.

The Witch and Husband talked about all kinds of things after this. Mostly arguing but I have to say Husband did not come across as angry or argumentative, even if he was contradicting what she was saying. He did get upset a few times but folded his arms across his chest and said nothing. She was mad though. Things were not going her way and she wasn't happy.

I spoke to The Witch directly a few other times. Once to defend Husband when The Witch said that Husband NEVER does anything with his kids. Husband was quiet so I piped up and listed off all of the things Husband does with his kids when they come to visit. Again, The Witch said nothing.

The counselor said he would talk to Trouble about what "spending time" means to him so he can get more clarification and work from there.

The Witch said I yell at Trouble all of the time and Husband came to my defense and said other than the one time, I am rarely involved and it's usually Husband enforcing rules that Trouble associates with Stepped, like bedtime. So while Trouble is saying he is mad at Stepped, Stepped wasn't the one involved.

I believe The Witch said something like "Oh please"

The next time I spoke was when she started in about the night I slapped Trouble and how she just can't have that. It's not okay to hit your child and I should have left him in the bathroom to cool down rather than barging into the bathroom yelling and hitting.

Obviously I couldn't let that one go, so I explained how I knocked on the door to ask him to come out and come to see a movie with us. I did not slap him until after all three of us were in the hall and he had been yelling in my face, then I did send him to sit on his bed to talk to his dad, and after we still went to see the movie.

The Witch said with eyes rolling "Because the most important thing was the movie."

I said "No. I was fine with Trouble not going to the movie but Husband wanted Trouble to go and I was supporting my husband."

The counselor said what happened that night was not okay but we need to let the past go. Talking about all of the bad things we have done is not helping. He asked us to think of positives on both sides because surely there are good things about everyone.

I don't know where this part was in the conversation but The Witch told Husband she was upset with him for taking Trouble to a birthday party this weekend, instead of spending time with him.

Husband said he did spend time with him and Trouble wanted to go to the party.

The Witch said Husband should have told Trouble no because they needed to spend more time together.

Husband said Trouble could have spent the entire day with him camping but Trouble didn't want to go.

The Witch said she tried to get Trouble to go but Trouble said no and she wasn't going to make him.

LOL -- Did you catch the contradiction?

Husband also said it wasn't up to her what he decides to do with the kids during his time. -- Go Husband!!

We ended the hour with the counselor once again telling The Witch she plays an important role in supporting Husband as Trouble's dad, even if she doesn't agree with the way he parents. He reiterated while we have different styles of parenting and different ideas about what is acceptable and what isn't, the important thing is for the kids to make the switch from one home to the other and respect the rules in each house. The Witch continued to say how it's not about her but only about Husband and me.

The last time I spoke to her I said "It is about you. We are all adults involved in Trouble's life and you need to be involved in this because you are his mother."

She said something like I am involved but kind of under her breath.

The counselor set an appointment for Trouble two weeks from now. The counselor will be talking to Trouble alone. As we walked out the counselor was saying he will try to keep some spots open for the weeks following, in the evenings, so we don't have to wait as long between sessions. The Witch walked right past the counselor, her husband on her heels, not a word to the counselor and bolted down the hallway. Husband and I paused to shake hands with the counselor and told him thank you.

The Witch will never change. I fear if she doesn't work on her little part of all of this, there is really no hope. But maybe the counselor can work miracles with Trouble. I don't totally get why The Witch is so negative. She barely has anything being asked of her. Husband and I are going to be on the hot seat for a long time and I'm sure we will be asked to make a lot of changes. If there was resistance you'd think it would be one of us.

I think Husband and I did the best we could. I probably should have kept my mouth shut a little more, but I also think what I said each time was important. Husband thought I did well.

So there you have it. My dreaded day is past and I got through it without getting mad. Working with Trouble and the counselor will be no fun either but I hope it will make some difference after a few times. I've been warned that counseling gets worse with teenagers before it gets better.


  1. You did the title 'Stepmom' proud today! Good for you for keeping your cool. :-)

  2. You did great. Even if co-parenting is hopeless, at least the counselor gets an idea of what the truth is and he can be more objective in helping Trouble alone.

  3. I am so glad for you and your husband! I can honestly say that I don't know if I would do so well. Woohooo Stepped!

    I had to laugh at the part about your husband being more attractive than the Witch's current husband. I feel the same way about my husband's ex-wife's current husband! :) hehe

  4. Three cheers for you!!!! I'm proud of your bravery to reveal how this is unfolding for you. It's not easy to be in your position and as Katie said above, you're doing the Stepmom name proud.

    Hugs and more hugs to you,

  5. You all are helping me to feel supported in a way I never had before. I do not have any friends who understand what we are going through even if they are good friends to me in other ways. It's great to relate to other women in the same boat. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  6. Speaking of my husband's dashing good looks... Do any of you watch Desperate Housewives? My husband's celebrity look alike is Mike. They do not have the same personality but face, hair, body and all of that is totally Mike.

    I usually get that I look like Sarah Jessica Parker. I'm not sure that is a compliment. I must have a big nose or something. But oh well. I am who God made me right?!

  7. It sounds like it went perfectly....well, as good as I would have imagined it could go. After what you described, I'm sure the counselor has her number.

    It used to drive my husband's ex INSANE that we, especially I, would remain calm and cool in the midst of her hurricane's. You don't know how amazing it felt to watch her handcuffed and hauled off in a police car the evening she couldn't contain her temper any longer. Obviously I would never wish that on any stepmom or her family...but the vindication that she was nuts was satisfying.

    Take care of you, take care of and protect your children. Trouble will either eventually come around, or he won't, but YOUR family life must go forward. Hugs :)

  8. You and your husband sound like a very attractive couple. I love Sarah Jessica Parker, btw, and I think she's beautiful, and Mike is hot as well. No wonder the Witch is so threatened by're gorgeous, funny, a wonderful mom, stepmom, and great wife to her ex husband...she pales in comparison to you!

  9. At least you got her into the counselor's office. My husband's ex would be too afraid we'd see that as admitting she needs help! The bottom line is that it takes all parties wanting peace. There cannot be a single hold-out...everyone has to work toward the goal. And holding out is just one more way to keep control; thus, the children will experience an unpleasant childhood for the sake of their mother "winning" in this battle of the wills. Sucks!
