Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ha, ha, HA!

I'm totally in the mood for gloating. It's probably the only time I'm going to feel good about counselling, so I might as well enjoy it now!

The counselor told us today that Trouble needs private sessions so that Trouble can come to terms with whatever it is that is causing his anger. It's the counselors plan to meet with Trouble as soon as possible, tonight even if The Witch is willing to bring him over.

The counselor also said that ALL the parents need to be on the same page and need to stop placing the blame on one person. Specifically me because it's not all one persons fault. Yes, he totally said that!!

The new plan... The counselor is going to send an email to both The Witch and Husband outlining co-parenting and the importance for treating all parents as equals, including stepparents. That when the children come home with stories, the adults need to talk together so there is no more hearsay and guessing. That ALL parents need to be invovled when there are problems. That it's okay to disagree with the other parent, but that we each respect one another's position whether there is agreement or not.

The Witch is going to be spitting fire, steam out of her ears, cussing and hitting walls MAD when she gets that email. She wants it to be all me sooooo badly. So, HA, HA, Ha, HA, ha, ha. I win!

Actually, I hope with all my heart that The Witch will listen to the counselor and start helping Trouble to get past all his anger so we can all be happy. I really hope that even if she is mad about having to work with me (Oh, I just love that!) that she will still take Trouble to the counselor.

You know what makes me want to gloat the most? I've been saying this exact stuff for over a year now. I KNEW that we needed to come together as parents and get united FOR the children. I even tried to start dialog with The Witch this summer but her reponse was that she didn't have to talk to me, and she didn't care what I had to say. So, in your face Witch. I was RIGHT!

Okay, I think I am done now. I'll let you all know the reaction to the email.


  1. I'm very happy for you. I hope The Witch will work with the counselor in the best interests of the kids.

  2. I am so happy things went will for you especially!!!

  3. It is great to hear that the counselor agree's with you. And it isn't like the Witch can claim bias, because she is the one that picked the counselor. I hope she gets her head out of her butt and starts doing what is best for Trouble and the other kids. Good luck!

  4. Yay!!! Yay for knowing whats best. What you have to remember is sometimes these women think their way is the ONLY way and I fight against even my bf when his daughter is having issues to get him to make the right choices. But GOOD FOR YOU!!! YAY!!!!

  5. I'm happy to hear all of this too! And I hope your husband listens too (and helps you out so you're not in the middle)! Good luck with everything!

  6. It sounds like your whole family really needed to hear this so they could start taking some responsibility for their own contributions.

    I hope the counselling goes well from here - it worked amazingly for us...
