Friday, February 5, 2010

Laugh Out Loud!

We received the counselor's email today and after reading it, all I can do is to laugh out loud.

A little background, about 6 months ago:

The first time Trouble "ran away" from our house, was because Husband tried to take his phone away as a means of grounding him for his bad behavior that day. Trouble would not give Husband the phone and he left the house and hid somewhere to call his mom. The Witch called Husband after she talked to Trouble and it was my suggestion that after The Witch picked up Trouble, that she bring him back to our house and all of us adults go somewhere, like Wendy's or Starbucks, and talk about things that have been going on and to get a game plan together to help Trouble.

The Witch totally freaked out. She didn't want to have anything to do with talking to me or being around me at all. She made it clear to Husband that I am not part of this and it was just between them.

The Witch picked up Trouble and took him back to her house.

I tried emailing The Witch instead, not about this issue, but about other things that came up afterward. I was polite and stated my feelings on things that were happening and that I was concerned about Trouble.

The Witch chewed me up and spit me out. She would have nothing to do with me. She insulted me, complained to Husband and on and on.

I figured it wasn't worth trying to talk to her anymore, so I let it go after about three emailed attempts to work with her.

So today's email:

Guess what the counselor suggested?

"The most direct manner would be for all adults to meet for a respectful discussion of opinion so we can begin re-structuring the parental level"

LOL!!! Really? He suggested exactly what I tried to do 6 months prior!!!

The Witch is going to be so mad. I'm telling you. She doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I'm sure Husband is going to get an earful from her today. Poor guy.


  1. I get the same thing about how I'm not part of it, they're not MY children. How I had no part in their conception or anything, so I need to butt out... our PEW is fond of reminding me of the sexual relationship they had... like I care, obviously, they have kids... and he's not with her now... I'm the one he comes to for a nooner ;)

    Sounds like your PEW is as insecure as ours... and hates it when outsiders side with you... (I'm rolling my eyes...)

  2. maybe she'll respect it more this time, coming from a professional.

  3. LMAO! Yay - score one for the stepmom!

    Why is it that the ex acts like we're not part of the child's life, too? Her husband is included, but she acts like they're my stepdaughter's only family. I think it's because of the ex's insecurities - we are a threat to them somehow.
