Thursday, January 21, 2010

Drama Boy being Himself

My biological middle child is my dramatic one. Everything is over the top with him, and I can't say that I'm not like that at times myself, so maybe that lovely trait of his comes from me. :-)

Today Drama Boy is suffering from "Idon'twanttogotoschoolitis". He does have a bit of a head cold, so I understand when his throat is sore in the mornings. But we are talking about full on fits about how he's going to die if I send him to school and I'm so mean and he didn't get any sleep last night and he's going to fall asleep in class and get detention... There was probably more but I start tuning out after a while.

I don't fall for these dramatics very easily. I gave him a small dose of decongestant and a handful of throat losenges, and I sent him to school.

When he gets home tonight, I'm sure this life threatening disease will be cured, and he will be off to hang out with his best friend.


  1. When I was a kid, even when I was a senior in high school, I couldn't stay home unless I was throwing up or had a fever.

    It really pissed me off when my Mom let my sister stay home for "mental health days."

  2. Do you ever get the feeling they don't want to face some tragic event at school? Like a pop quiz? or some other humiliating event?

    There were times I let my stepson stay home because I just couldn't take another argument at 6am.

  3. I wish Drama Boy wouldn't be so dramatic on a regular basis so I could tell the difference between "I don't want school" and "I'm really sick". I figure that if he has the energy to throw that big of a fit, for nearly an hour, he's not too sick for school. But maybe I'm wrong and the school nurse will be calling me to pick him up. If that happens I'll feel terribly guilty.

  4. Sharon,

    I have asked my kids that before actually. Because with boys especially, they don't tell you what is going on, so if there was an issue, I would never know.

    I have noticed that when my kids have a long weekend with X, like they did this last weekend, they come home grumpy. X isn't big on bedtime, so they stay up all night and sleep in the day. I know it messes them up, so you add a stuffy nose to that, and it makes for some rough mornings. That's my theory anyway.

  5. It's Middle Child Syndrome! We're all dramatic and temperamental because we feel oft neglected! Hope he feels better.

  6. You are probably right about that. Maybe I need to find some time with just him because he is the one that is left out most of the time.

  7. anotherdealingwithacrazyexThursday, January 21, 2010 5:11:00 PM

    We are all allowed mental health days at my house. My daughter is well aware that it's different than a sick day and sometimes you just need a day off. Thankfully she never abuses it.

    Love you blog, btw...
