Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hard Day with Benefits

Husband tried to talk to The Witch yesterday about the counselling appointment, but she was too busy to talk. Can you say coward?

Instead Husband sent a text and told her that he was disappointed that she didn't send him the appointment information so that he could be there and meet the counselor because he has wanted to get Trouble into counselling for a while now.

The Witch wrote back that this was her attorney's idea, not Husbands. Whatever. It probably was his/her suggestion but Husband talked to her about this before.

The Witch also said that Husband has no right to be there because this is HER insurance and that I (Stepped) had better be scared and better show up because I'm the one who needs the counselling, not Trouble. That if I don't show up, she will take us to court.

Yes, more threats. *sigh*

I started crying because I actually am scared. The Witch is really mean. I've seen the things she has done to her family members, so I know that there is evil in her. She hates me, so who knows what she is capable of.

Husband and I were also sent text messages from The Witch that Trouble had sent to her the night I smacked him. They were basically his telling of what happened. Husband and I weren't shocked when we read them, but I guess we were a little disappointed with Trouble's version. It really sounded bad and if that is what The Witch thinks happened, then it's no wonder she is totally freaking out. It seems when Husband talked to her, also that same night, she decided Husband was lying. Trouble made himself sound totally innocent and made me out to be a complete psycho. Like he was just sitting there in the bathroom and I came in and starting hitting him for no reason and all he could do was try to defend himself and tell me to stop. Um, no that is not right. Honestly, I can't understand why she would even believe such a story. It's just so far fetched. Wouldn't most people wonder what happened that would set someone off that they would want to hit another person? It seems very unreasonable that anyone would do something like that unprovoked. But there I go thinking she is reasonable, and of course she is not.

For the back story - Smackdown with Trouble

No phone call from the counselor today either which worries me. I really want to know what is going on.

Husband wants to talk to Trouble's school counselor and get some information from them, and he wants us to make our own appointment with this other counselor so we can talk to him alone, under our own insurance so we aren't subjected to The Witch. I think that sounds like a good idea. We really need to talk with him before we have a group meeting.

So, after about 3 hours with talk about Trouble and The Witch, I decided that it was time to put it to rest. I took Husband upstairs and we made love for an hour. A much better way to spend our time.


  1. Well at least the day ended well......

    I feel so bad for you. Bio knows I have spanked her daughter and she knows the reasons and she also knows the steps it takes to get her daughter there. Doesn't mean I do it all the time, since I can count the times on my hand, but she knows I mean business so she pushes me less than her father. Actually she really only tests me when he father is home. What really makes me mad is when he gets to that step he sits there and if she isn't happy to his standards he tries to make her laugh, which is think is one of the worst things to do. But thats a blog I should write on.

  2. I was talking to my mom last night and I gave her the updates. She said that when the counselor sees me, that will be enough proof that I'm not capable of abusing my stepson. I don't know about that, but it is true that he is more than twice my size and that might help our story to seem more credible.

    The Witch is very blinded to her sons behavior. He talks back to her too and he's gotten into trouble and been grounded and so on at her house, which sometimes spills over to our visitation. But when you ask her about Trouble, she makes him sound like an angel. It's very weird. My bio kids are all fairly good kids, but we are raising NO angels! They all drive me nuts at one time or another. I don't know many parents who would say there kids are perfect. Do you?

  3. ummm no. My kids aren't perfect. How boring would that be anyways!
