Friday, January 29, 2010

Things are Looking Up

I'm feeling much better today after all of yesterday's bad news. I made some phone calls this morning and found out that Trouble's counselor is also on our insurance plan. So, we can see this man a few times for free and we don't have to be subjected to The Witch in order to do it. So Yeah! Husband is supposed to be calling to change next week's appointment from a group session to a session with just us. I'll need to find someone to pick up Baby Boy from school, but it will be worth it.

I also contacted Trouble's school counselor to set up an appointment for Husband to meet with her. Husband would like to talk to her before we go see the other counselor. So, he will be meeting with her Tuesday and then we should see the other guy on Wednesday. So Yeah again!

It's nice to feel like I have some control again. I really wasn't happy being dictated to by The Witch. And I'm glad to see Husband taking some control as well. He doesn't do that very often when it comes to The Witch or his kids. I can tell that all of this is very important to him.


  1. So what happened? Sounds like you smacked him? Obviously he wasn't a completely innocent party in the matter.

    I hope everything works out with the counselor, and it is good that the Witch won't have the ability to dictate everything since he is covered by your insurance also.

  2. You can read about what happened on New Years on the post "Smackdown with Trouble - final"

    But yes, I did smack him. He was being very rude and I smacked his face.
