Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Smackdown with Trouble - Part 1

Husband and I have been together for 5 1/2 years, married for 4 1/2 of those years. When Husband and I were dating I got along with "Perfect" and Trouble just fine. They were 11 and 9 respectively, and "Perfect" seemed to be especially fond of me.

When Husband and I decided to get married we talked to "Perfect"and Trouble about what it would be like since we were concerned with them having a hard time sharing "their" house, toys and bedrooms especially. Even though the two kids were only with Husband for weekend visitations, the house is the same house they all lived in before The Witch decided to leave Husband for another man. It seemed like we should be concerned about how they would feel and make sure they understood what changes were in store.

Both "Perfect" and Trouble seemed okay with it, actually they seemed slightly disinterested, and while Husband and I did our best to have a conversation with them, they were mostly interested in getting outside to play with friends.

Prior to this conversation Husband and I spent many weekends together with all five of our kids and the kids got along for the most part. The Baby was only 2 at the time, so the other kids weren't terribly interested in him. But Soccer Boy, Drama Boy and Trouble all seemed to get along okay. "Perfect" is the only girl and the oldest so she mostly did her own thing.

Husband and I were completely shocked when things went south the very first day!

My mom was here helping me move into the house, and she stayed home with the kids while Husband and I went to work Monday morning. When I got home things seemed normal, we had dinner and Soccer Boy, Drama Boy, my nephew who was also here visiting, and Trouble went into the backyard to play. Husband was also outside in the driveway washing his true love the car. My mom and I were talking in the livingroom and I don't remember where "Perfect" was. I'm thinking she wasn't here.

Without any warning, Drama Boy came into the house yelling that Trouble was going to kill Soccer Boy.

I ran outside to see Trouble cornering Soccer Boy and yelled at them to stop and to get into the house right now. My mom kept Drama Boy and nephew in the livingroom. Trouble went to his room and Soccer boy went to my room. Husband came inside at some point, maybe when I yelled but I don't remember. I do know he went to talk to Trouble.

After all the adults talked to the kids in seperate rooms to find out what happened, we talked together. Soccer Boy and Drama Boy (and my nephew) all told the same story. Trouble told a different story. My mom also added some background information about things that had happened earlier in the day.

To make a long story a little shorter, Trouble made himself out to be a victim, Husband believed Trouble. Soccer Boy was grounded for the night for his part in the fight. My mom was made out to be a liar by Trouble and Husband. Trouble didn't take responsibility for any part he played in the day's events. My nephew was so scared that he slept with my mom that night and Drama Boy spent the evening crying.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah I have noticed that the kid to the sig other can do no wrong! Isn't that just the worst?
